


oing to give me his wheelbarrow, and that is an act of pure generosity。’

“So little Hans worked away for the Miller, and the Miller said all kinds of beautiful things about friendship, which Hans took down in a note…book, and used to read over at night, for he was a very good scholar。

“Now it happened that one evening little Hans was sitting by his fireside when a loud rap came at the door。 It was a very wild night, and the wind was blowing and roaring round the house so terribly that at first he thought it was merely the storm。 But a second rap came, and then a third, louder than any of the others。

“ ‘It is some poor traveller,’ said little Hans to himself, and he ran to the door。

“There stood the Miller with a lantern in one hand and a big stick in the other。

“ ‘Dear little Hans,’ cried the Miller, ‘I am in great trouble。 My little boy has fallen off a ladder and hurt himself, and I am going for the Doctor。 But he lives so far away, and it is such a bad night, that it has just occurred to me that it would be much better if you went instead of me。 You know I am going to give you my wheelbarrow, and so, it is only fair that you should do something for me in return。’

“ ‘Certainly,’ cried little Hans, ‘I take it quite as a pliment your ing to me, and I will start off at once。 But you must lend me your lantern, as the night is so dark that I am afraid I might fall into the ditch。’

“ ‘I am very sorry,’ answered the Miller, ‘but it is my new lantern, and it would be a great loss to me if anything happened to it。’

“ ‘Well, never mind, I will do without it,’ cried little Hans, and he took down his great fur coat, and his warm scarlet cap, and tied a muffler round his throat, and started off。

“What a dreadful storm it was! The night was so black that little Hans could hardly see, and the wind was so strong that he could scarcely stand。 However, he was very courageous, and after he had been walking about three hours, he arrived at the Doctor’s house, and knocked at the door。

“ ‘Who is there?’ cried the Doctor, putting his head out of his bedroom window。

“ ‘Little Hans, Doctor。’

“ ‘What do you want, little Hans?’

“ ‘The Miller’s son has fallen from a ladder, and has hurt himself, and the Miller wants you to e at once。’

“ ‘All right!’ said the Doctor; and he ordered his horse, and his big boots, and his lantern, and came downstairs, and rode off in the direction of the Miller’s house, little Hans trudging behind him。

“But the storm grew worse and worse, and the rain fell in torrents, and little Hans could not see where he was going, or keep up with the horse。 At last he lost his way, and wandered off on the moor, which was a very dangerous place, as it was full of deep holes, and there poor little Hans was drowned。 His body was found the next day by some goatherds, floating in a great pool of water, and was brought back by them to the cottage。

“Everybody went to little Hans’ funeral, as he was so popular, and the Miller was the chief mourner。

“ ‘As I was his best friend,’ said the Miller, ‘it is only fair that I should have the best place’; so he walked at the head of the procession in a long black cloak, and every now and then he wiped his eyes with a big pocket…handkerchief。

“ ‘Little Hans is certainly a great loss to every one,’ said the Blacksmith, when the funeral was over, and they were all seated fortably in the inn, drinking spiced wine and eating sweet cakes。

“ ‘A great loss to me at any rate,’ answered the Miller; ‘why, I had as good as given him my wheelbarrow, and now I really don’t know what to do with it。 It is very much in my way at home, and it is in such bad repair that I could not get anything for it if I sold it。 I will certainly take care not to give away anything again。 One always suffers for being generous。’ ”

“Well?” said the Water…rat, after a long pause。

“Well, that is the end,” said the Lin。

“But what became of the Miller?” asked the Water…rat。

“Oh! I really don’t know,” replied the Lin; “and I am sure that I don’t care。”

“It is quite evident then that you have no sympathy in your nature,” said the Water…rat。

“I am afraid you don’t quite see the moral of the story,” remarked the Lin。

“The what?” screamed the Water…rat。

“The moral。”

“Do you mean to say that the story has a moral?”

“Certainly,” said the Lin。

婚姻管理大师  糖家制药 作者:雕白沐(键盘网游文)  梦醒梦灭梦还在  静默之时  血瞳灰视  网游-彩虹之我爱盗贼  指间的传奇  独闯修行道  笑云弄风(网游) 作者 凉拖  邪帝苍龙传  苑中禽  魔唤巫师  捡到一个漂亮的城里男人(1v1 美丽乡村小甜文)  修道歧路  挫骨刀 1V1 H 古言  大学流氓  网游之魔兽猎人传奇  网游--武林  盛世烟火(完结)  末世女王:血灵召唤师  


















